The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly limited space for movement. The short period bored everyone, and people wanted to immediately engage in activities within those limitations. The entertainment world is also looking for alternative solutions to keep the economy running. Many K-Pop music industries are also trying to make digital concerts amid the pandemic.
One of the phenomena of this digital concert was brought up by Salsabila Dewi Kemuning for her to explore more deeply as the topic of her thesis research. Results of her research, in addition to being presented in the final exam, She also presented in international seminars 6th Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS). On Tuesday, 28 June 2022, this research will also be presented in the Monthly Discussion Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media (PSDMA) NADIM Communication Department UII.
Kemuning’s research is entitled Digital K-Pop Concert Room. This research wants to know three things that are also stated in the research objectives. The first problem is how to construct liveness in digital concert shows. The second is how the audience positions themselves in the digital liveness concert ‘space.’
Third, how does this K-POP digital concert-show work as an ideology that produces liveness and space? The first and second points are how the concert organizers make the audience and the concert feels so real as if they feel the atmosphere of a real concert.
Ethnographic Qualitative Research
This research uses an ethnographic qualitative approach. The way to do this is by joining the informants when watching the concert digitally. After that, the researcher will record all behavioral expressions, expressions, and habits made by the informants during the digital concert. Usually, the informants and researchers already have a close and fluid relationship, so all expressions and behaviors that appear are very natural.
The Kemuning process in selecting resource persons must be selective so that the data generated in the research is credible. The resulting data can certainly be justified scientifically. Kemuning is looking for college students who are true K-pop fans. At least the informant has been fond of K-Pop for three years. “What is certain is that he or she will watch a digital concert,” said Kemuning, referring to her research sources who are digital concertgoers. The next criterion is that the source is a reputable fandom, meaning those closest to him/ her know very well that he/ she is a K-Pop fandom.
During the research period, Kemuning conducted interviews and direct observations related to the experience of the informants watching. Kemuning recorded what they felt and saw their expressions while watching, as well as the expressions they said while watching or after watching.
You can watch the video here too: