Strategy for Making Publications Indexed in Scopus 

Nowadays, international journals have been monopolized by dominant western thoughts and discourses. Though balancing the discourse of eastern thought is also essential. ‘Eastern’ academic thoughts and discourses must also reference global academic discourse. Indeed, the eastern discourse can also be a reliable reference for scientific development.

What is the strategy for the de-westernization of journals? Lecturers in Indonesia, especially at UII and journal managers, should try to write Scopus indexed publications. If that’s the case, then it’s easy to recognize Indonesian lecturers in the global arena. Masduki provides tips and strategies to achieve international publications. Masduki as a resource person, explained and shared his journal writing strategies in internationally reputed journals. Not only that, Masduki, whose writings have been published in various Scopus indexed journals, has now reached H-Index 2 Scopus.

Masduki, the Author of Articles & Books, the Assessment Team for the Ranks of UII Lecturers, and the Reviewer of International Journals indexed by SCOPUS, said that writing in international journals is very important. The reason is, “We need to share research results to reduce the gap in information and academic analysis between the ‘West’ and the ‘East’,” he said at the Sharing session on Saturday, November 20, 2021, at the Eastparc Hotel. The event, which was held by the Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit, FPSB UII, seeks to increase the capacity of journal managers to make the journals at FPSB more reputable.

The first strategy is that lecturers must write articles in indexed international journals. It is also time for journal managers “to write books in English as an international language at indexed publishers, articles in international language books to indexed publishers,” said Masduki. Masduki also added another strategy so that the work was Scopus indexed. For example, said Masduki, lecturers need to write articles to be Scopus indexed international conference proceedings.

According to Masduki, in his material entitled ‘Breaking Reputable International Journals’, writing in international journals is also as “a form of international academic friendship, strengthening the community base on similar study interests.

” In addition, publishing an international journal can also improve the lecturer’s academic career, such as becoming a head lector and professor. Writing in international journals can also increase the number of awards. “Both financial and social forms,” ​​said Masduki.

Lecturers in FPSB UII participated in this event. Lecturers across departments have held group discussions and collaborated to determine themes and strategies to penetrate international journals. In general, four to five groups of lecturers from across departments have agreed to write a joint international journal. The participants, who are also journal managers at FPSB, will become role models and strengthen the reputation of journals at FPSB.

Some groups that have been successfully created are, for example, Holy Rafika and Banatul Murtafiah, who wrote texts about learning by teleconference during the Covid-19 period. Subhan Afifi’s group decided to write a journal about Global Public Relations. Meanwhile, Puji Rianto’s group plans to write about defamation articles and psychological perspectives.