Singing Online Together with “Dengarkan Dia”        

The 2020 serumpun committee made an event in the form of a virtual concert. The virtual concert was held on Monday (21/9) as part of the Serumpun 2020 event. The virtual concert was designed to entertain New Students of Communication Science UII and FPSB UII students in general, after going through a series of processes of the orientation period (known as Serumpun). New FPSB UII students have participated in a series of activities from September 16 to September 22th, 2020.

Aditya Arvian, Chair of the 2020 Serumpun Steering Committee said that in a serumpun event, it could also be an opportunity for new students to introduce more, network or friendship. “Serumpun can also get to know many things on campus, get to know the campus environment, and see the ‘content’ of the FPSB itself,” said Aditya who is also a student of UII Communication Science international program (IP).

Several invited guests stars attended this virtual Serumpun 2020 concert. For example, the music group “Dengarkan Dia” ​​consisting of the famous celebrity couple Ditto and Ayudia was present on Monday (21/9). Whereas the next Tuesday (22/9) present in the midst of new FPSB UII students is the “Reality Club” music group that won the AMI / Anugerah Musik Indonesia Awards in 2018.

Previously, there were a series of events in the form of orientation period, then video viewing of photo and video clips during the activity. and also chants from each of the new student groups.

Students look very happy when guest stars appear among them. On that night, students through the Zoom meeting, listened to the chanting of ‘Dengarkan Dia’ band. The music group performance session was interspersed with several questions and answers between guest stars and students.

Several questions arose. For example, questions about how to become a musician, albums, interesting tips to become a student and run it. In this session, new students were very happy because they could have the opportunity to ask their idols. Before performing the next song, the musicians Ayudiac and Ditto gave some input to the new students. “During the course of the lecture, always try to be active because there are many benefits in the future,” they said.

Approximately an hour of this online concert, it gave a deep impression to the new students and the committee who attended it. Everything was done to make this serumpun evening event more exciting, relaxed, and at the same time beneficial.


Reporter and Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, UII Communication Science Student, Btach 2016, Internship at UII Communication Science.

Editor: A. Pambudi W.