
Peluang Pembiayaan Riset dan Beasiswa Peneliti Muda (DL 16 Jan 2023)

Peluang ini untuk dosen, peneliti, dan mahasiswa alumni dan sivitas akademika UII yang ingin melakukan riset dan mendapatkan peluang beasiswa. Program ini bernama Make Our Planet Great Again dari Pemerintah Prancis. Sila simak info lebih lengkapnya di bawah ini:


This sixth Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) call for applications is intended to welcome 40 young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The program is funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, and implemented by Campus France.

The MOPGA 2023 Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers will support researchers working on topics listed in the “Research Themes” section.


Research Project Title
Keywords (6)
Abstract of the Research Project (2,000 char. max.)
Context and Motivation (2,000 char. max.)
Scientific Objectives (2,000 char. max.)
Methodology and Timeline (4,500 char. max.)
Project position in relation to the MOPGA scientific domain (2,000 char. max.)
Collaborations and / or impacts for the candidate’s country of residence in relation to the research project proposal (2,000 characters max.)

Further Information : bit.ly/MOPGA23

Campus France Indonesia