Part 2 TeaTime: Mustadha’afun in Prophetic Communication

“What are the manifestations of Mustadha’afun or marginalized people in Islam?” This question got interesting and not short answers. Then Holy gives a picture of the social context of modern society today with many buildings and luxury cars milling about. “The easiest way,” said Holy, “we can check whether there are neighbors who are still hungry or not, lacking or not.”

Prophetic communication is not just da’wah. “Dakwah is also prophetic communication, only it is in the pragmatic-normative dimension; worship procedures. You can do this, you can’t do that.”

But prophetic communication does not eliminate the frontal ways of worship in Holy’s explanation of realizing a just society. “In the practice of prophetic communication, if it can’t be done in a subtle way and conveyed through normative procedures, if you have to do a demo, then a demo.”

Mustada’afun at the time of the prophet Muhammad used to be usually seen from the social and economic status, for example, poor and slaves. Today’s era must be researched first. For instance, whether the beggar is in the category of the oppressed. “Today there are indeed beggars as a ‘profession’ and even richer than UII lecturers,” Holy example joked.

In the daily life of students, for example, some are oppressed. For example, among students who after college have access to work from campus with A accreditation and superior predicate, some lose opportunities because the campus is accredited C, even though their skills could be better. Well, while many are struggling, few are not. This is an oppressed, unfair job acceptance system.

In another case, Holy gives a picture of an old transvestite. “Transvestites find it difficult to get a job. In the midst of society isolated, let alone to get a decent job. Only the young transvestites are oppressed, let alone the old ones who are physically weak.” Holy does not rule out the transvestite controversy, “it’s about people who are oppressed. They need to be embraced, not isolated and even vulnerable.”

“Transvestites find it difficult to get a job. In the midst of society isolated, let alone to get a decent job. Only the young transvestites are oppressed, let alone the old ones who are physically weak.”

-Holy Rafika Dhona-

To increase our sense and recognize whether there are still oppressed people around us, we need to read a lot; reading conditions, reading conditions, it is also essential to read books. “We must develop a sense that there are problems around us, that something doesn’t happen by itself, everything is constructed,” Holy suggested to students who want to be more sensitive to the social situations around them.