P2A Final Presentation: 10 Creative Media from 6 Countries

After several webinars and general lectures, all of the participants of P2A start to make a creative media production for two weeks. All of the participants were divided into ten groups. Every group contains various members from any university and country in ASEAN. Such as Indonesia (UII and UAJ), Vietnam (DTU dan UEL), Cambodia (AIC), Malaysia (UUM), Singapore, and Filipina.

And the D day has come, ot 10 December 2021, after weeks and teamwork, each group was invited to present their final results. Some of them offer a photo story with flipbook medium, or website of photo stories, some of them were presenting e-magazine, or some of them present an animation so-called picture story

Many of them also create vlogs and group vlogs. The exciting thing is what theme they bring to the judges. For example, you can see how they present different themes and topics such as various ice cream in other countries in ASEAN, Historical Places in Asia, or you can see multiple unique jobs or professions across the country.  At least there collected ten creative media from ten groups, six countries, eight campuses, and more than a hundred students (participant).


There are many comments from the judges, who are also a lecturer from partners of P2A Ice Cream. “This is a perfect learning process for them and their future. Yeah. Congratulation to all of you. You know, not all our students have the opportunity to join this program,” said Dorien Kartikawangi, head of School of Communication, Universita Katolik Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Adzira Husain, lecturer at the School of Computing, College of Arts & Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, also appreciates all groups. She shares more comments on the concept, the cinematography, the photo, and other technique of the work. “I know it’s hard to get the commitment from a different country, but you have done it the best,” Said Adzira Husain.

At the same time, Herman Felani, lecturer of the Department of Communications, UII, also appreciate the team’s hard work. He congrats all the teamwork and the mentors who have accompanied the creative media process. “This is also your project-based learning. So the process is also much more precious than just the result. But of course, we want an outcome-based, good,” said Herman Felani.