Isn’t that RAW file difficult?

Is it possible for students to produce films at the level of widescreen films? How to use a cinema camera? Isn’t that RAW file difficult?

These Questions arose when Amirul Mukminin present at the PSDMA Nadim Communication UII public discussion entitled “Cinema Class – Master Camera”. The discussion that was held on Friday, (12/8) in the TV and Film Laboratory, Communication Department of UII gave a new perspective to the students of Communication Department of UII about cinema cameras and widescreen film production. For example, the matter of files produced by RAW extensions that has been considered as large capacity and difficult.

Amir actually denied it with an analogy. “The writing that I have written on this paper can be read, right? But if I roll this paper, I will fold it, becoming like this, of course it can’t be read right?” Amir said while making a simulation.

“Now the parable is like that. The RAW file results are like paper that I haven’t rolled and folded before. It’s easy and clear to read the writing inside. But the size is large because it contains metadata. All colors, temperature options, and others are stored in the RAW file metadata,” he continued. Whereas the folded paper is likened to a non-RAW film document that has been compressed into smaller sizes but the writing inside is hard to read. “Different file types, different quality. Now this REDcinema camera results are RAW files,” he said.

“Then what’s the advantage of using this RED Cinema camera?” Raihan, one of the participants, asked him. Aside from being the cheapest widescreen cinema camera among other cinema cameras, it is also easy because it uses RAW. “Because using RAW in RED, we can choose the temperature, color, and so on from the camera even when shooting without having to wait for an editing session on the computer. Save on the budget right?” Amir explained while demonstrating the use of temperature, color and other options from the RED camera. Besides giving an explanation on a presentation, Amir also invited all participants to practice operating the REDcamera with several other students playing the role of the host.

After practicing using REDcinema camera, Amir opened himself up to work with universities so that his students could use RED for free. “The requirement is student should produce competitive short video production and have quality ideas,” he said. Later Amir has collaborated with one of the universities in Yogyakarta to hold a short video idea competition. The student who wins the idea competition has the right to use his REDcamera for free. They will able to produce video and film for 3 days.