IP of Communication Department Welcomes New Students with Sharing Session and Introduction to Academic Skills

For two consecutive days, August, 30th to 31th, 2019, International Program (IP) Communication Department’s Manager conducted Welcoming Day and Academic Skill Study activities for all IP communication students for class of 2019. The event took place at two place, each day, at Blangkon Resto (first day) and Audio Visual Room ( RAV) 3rd floor of Communication Department, this also involved IP lecturers such as Puji Rianto, Herman Felani, Holy Rafika, Ali Minanto, and of course the Secretary of IP Communication Department, Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih.

Ali Minanto gave a speech representing the Head of the Communication Department, at the beginning of the event. Jogjakarta is a city of culture, he said. He is also at the same time a city of art that can certainly stimulate the reasoning power of students of Communication Department . There is a good and creative atmosphere in Jogjakarta. “Congratulations for joining us. You will get a lot of opportunities to have experience in several countries. You can join many student activities such as Klik18, Kompor.Kom film club, ‘Dispensi’ for intellectuals and Red-Action and Galaxy for Journalism and Radio,” he said.

Ali Minanto added, Communication Department also opened specialization in studies focusing on Journalism, media studies, and PR. “We are also have several lecturers whose films are screened in several countries, in Japan, in Estonia, and there are also cross-country trips with the title Passage to Asean /P2A.”

The event also become more familiar after the first batch of IP communication student representatives shared their last year stories. The story was represented by Ilyasa Alvin Abadi, IP student class of year 2018, “When I entered to this campus, I did not have friends, not even friendship, but finally day by day, and we proceed together, I can get it now,” he said in a mix language of English and Arabic. “If you join IP Class, you can also try the experience of traveling in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and also can understand and hone sensitivity and critical thinking,” said Ilyasa. The sensitivity is the skill to analyze social problems clearly. “I want to say welcome to our family, Ahlan wa sahlan,” Ilyasa closed with English and Arabic as well.

The introduction continues with the game. “This is a challenge of the game: how you introduce with a unique way in front of us,” said Herman Felani, Lecturer in Communication IP. Each group, which is divided up based on different group such as groups of students, lecturers, staff. Every groups have to make an introduction as unique as possible. At least, some introduced themselves in two languages: In Arabic English, there are also groups who introduce themselves by shouting using many traditional indonesian languages. It is also interesting to see a group of lecturers making “guesses game” about their names with a special sign and instructions related to themselves and the meaning of their names.