International Program of Communication Programs and Activity

IPC Friends, did you know what programs does IPC UII have?

Hi, IPC Friends. This time we will discuss about the existing programs in the International Program of Communication. What are the programs? Isn’t it just that all courses are in English? Of course not. So, to find out what programs are in IPC, let’s see at the following explanation.

Academic Program

The first one are the Welcoming and Orientation (Academic study skills for new members).

Welcoming is a series of events to welcome new semester IPC students, where this program contains lecturers’ introductions and brief explanations about IPC UII. In this program, there is Academic Skill Study, which is how IPC provides workshops related to the adaptation of new students to academic activities in high school with those that will be undertaken in the lecture period, from how the learning system starts, how to live with college things, to how to learn.

Welcoming Day and Orientation for New Members



visiting lecturer program

Next is our students will have visiting lecturer program (join lecturing program) to discuss any issues or studies in communication fields either in the theoretical context and practical subject. In this program, IPC will invite international lecturers or foreign lectures and discuss a theme related to communication.

Visiting Lecturer Program


English Skill Development Program

English Language Proficiency Development Test

This program is a kind of pretest to test how far the English language skills of IPC students are in the first year, then in the second year there is a development test. However, the Covid 19 pandemic made the 2019 class of proficiency development test pending. But for the class of 2018 it is already running.

Verbal Ability Development and Writing in English through Bridging Program

The Writing in English program is done through the Bridging Program. Within a week, this program meeting can be held 2-3 times. The goal is to develop their English language skills, both in writing and understanding English academic.


Bridging Program


International Program Activities

Passage to ASEAN (P2A)

This program collaborates with university associations that participate in P2A, collaborating to make it easier for us to carry out global mobility. Currently, IPC is still working with universities that do virtual P2A. For P2A class 2018 in collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia and Hatyai University with the theme Workshop Photography, this program is also supported by Nikon Malaysia. For P2A class 2019, the theme is Travel Writing and the result is travel magazine writing and magazine covers.


Ashrafi at Photography Workshop 2018

Amir at Photography Workshop 2018

Passage to ASEAN 2019

Exchange Program

So far, IPC UII is still working with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). This Exchange Program was supposed to run in March 2020, but due to the pandemic, we finally made an agreement with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) to postpone this program until it could be done physically, because it was to bring direct cultural experience.

International Community Service

This program is related to KKN abroad, IPC students can carry out International Community Service in collaboration with foreign companies, the context is working with communities that have cooperation with abroad, such as AIESEC. In addition, IPC students are required to have one trip or mobility experience, such as Exchange, P2A, or other international exchanges.

Future Global Career

The International Internship Preparation

Program is held when IPC students enter their 6th or 7th semester. Later IPC students will get international-oriented internships. This program will also bring in speakers who are competent in their fields.

The International Internship

Program requires IPC students to take internships on a global or international basis. Internships are allowed in the country but must be at an institution that has an international collaboration or multinational corporation.

International Internship at India


Future Global Career Mentoring Program

This program is a preparation for IPC students related to work provision given before they undergo their final semester or are in their 4th year.

 Future Global Career Mentoring Global

Capacity Building Program

Annual Workshop in Globalization

This program is conducted annually for all IPC students. They cannot graduate if they haven’t done this workshop so this program is a prerequisite for graduation from IPC students. The hope of this program is to provide an inside or overview related to the globalization context in the field of communication, so that it can prepare IPC students for the world of work.

Pict 9 Herman Felani as the moderator was opened the workshop. This workshop was held on 23 July 2020 via Google Meet

Teatime: An Afternoon Sharing with IPC UII

This program is conducted every Friday through Instagram social media at Instagram Live. The hope is that this program can become a capacity building program for IPC students themselves. The content raised is also a description of what they experience, both from the academic context, global experience, how to manage themselve as personality, and preparing for their careers in their respective fields.

Teatime at Instagram Live every Friday