Improving Student Scientific Publications by Publishing Student Communications Journals

Planning to publish special journals for Communication students UII has now entered the first stage of preparation. The first stage is to prepare publishing guidelines, the name of the journal, the editorial structure, and the guidelines for writers and editors. Not to forget, publication ethics have also been designed.

According to Puji Rianto, Head of the Journal and Scientific Publication Unit, FPSB UII, the readiness of the UII Communication Department to publish a new journal specifically for students, this is a form of his passion for reading journal manuscripts. “This student communication journal is a pilot project to increase the publication of student scientific papers in the Communication Department of UII,” continued Puji Rianto on the occasion of a talk show and the first meeting of student journal publishing on January 26, 2021.

Improving Student Scientific Publications

Likewise, through Zoom Meeting, Muhammad Jamil, representative from the UII’s Directorate of Library, appreciates the efforts to establish communication science journals for students. Students in turn will be motivated to write well, and complete their research work with dedication to be published in scientific journals.

“In the future there will also be journals for the International Relations Department, and also English Education Department,” said Puji who is also a lecturer in the Media Policy and Regulation Research Cluster at the Communication Department. This limited meeting was attended by various parties from journal management staff at the FPSB UII Journal Unit, UII Library, Webmasters, and also UII Communication lecturers.

Even though the name is a student journal, the names and covers will be designed with a professional design. “It will look good, the editing process as well as the proofread have been well prepared,” said Puji, hoping to be optimistic.