Ideologi Islam dalam Kebijakan Redaksional Harian Umum Republika


Volume 3, Nomor1, Oktober 2008

ISSN 1970-848X


Ideologi Islam dalam Kebijakan Redaksional Harian Umum Republika:

Analisis Wacana Kritis tentang Pemberitaan Konflik PKB dan Film Fitna


Oleh: M. Exsa Firmansyah


This research focus on Islamic ideology in the redactional policy, that was one of the internal factor when creating a Republika news product towards PKB conflict, Ahmadiyah cult and Fitna controversy. The analysis of content at PKB’s conflict was shown Republika’s neutral display. Its neutral display was shown by the theme, the option of people who was being the source. While, at the Fairclough text analysis, Republika was shown the negative effect from  that conflict which didn’t have  the good effect for two sides, but could bring the negative effect for the party. For  the news of Ahmadiyah,  the content analysis was shown Republika’s position  as  one  side  which  against  Ahmadiyah  with  used  perception  that Ahmadiyah  is untrue  side. From the research the researcher done, there`s a conclusion that islamic ideology in the Republika redactional policy, can be categorized as the form of conservative Islamic ideology.