Global Talent: International Internship During Pandemic

Hello IPC friends !!

This time we will discuss AIESEC again. Last week we discussed Global Volunteer at AIESEC UGM, now in this week’s episode we will discuss Global Talent at AIESEC UGM.

Oh yeah, before that our guest this time was Fadila Amani, she was the AIESEC Marketing Initiative Team Leader at UGM.

What is Global Talent?

Global Talent is a program offered by AIESEC at UGM that focuses on internships abroad with the aim of developing leadership. This program is a paid program. By paying four million rupiahs, you will get the best experience until you return to Indonesia. Unlike the Global Volunteer, this program only consists of Outgoing Global Talent where AIESEC UGM sends internships to various AIESEC member countries.

This program consists of three types, namely short, medium, and long term. You can choose which program you want to join. Short term 6-12 weeks, medium term 13-26 weeks, and long term 27-78 weeks. Usually students prefer a short term to fill their vacation time. For the countries to be targeted, you can choose which countries are members of AIESEC in the world.

During your internship, you don’t need to worry because AIESEC UGM will help you when you have difficulties. Companies that work together are also guaranteed to get an extraordinary experience, because working for a foreign company will develop their English language skills. Apart from that, you will also get experiences from cultures in other countries.

“Internships abroad can motivate other people to do good things. You can also work with challenges, so you can be aware of problems outside ourselves,” said Fadila.

Before you choose the country to go to, AIESEC UGM will help by discussing which country you prefer, the language you are fluent in, and what field you want. Later it can make it easier for you to do an internship at the company.

“For the most important requirement is a CV, 19-30 years old, and a minimum of 5 semesters. So this program is also open to those of you who have graduated from college and want to do internships abroad, ” said Fadila.

Fadila explained, when a pandemic like this occurs, AIESEC UGM will follow the Global Safety Protocol in each destination country. “Before going to Indonesia, we will hold a seminar to discuss emergency procedures, safety protocols, and ensure that you have health insurance,” said Fadila in the middle of Teatime’s Live Instagram discussion on Friday (5/3).

“During the internship abroad, we will monitor every week, how is his health, problems, or anything about the internship. Before returning to Indonesia, you must also have a health certificate, follow health protocols and self-quarantine. So AIESEC UGM really guarantees and helps your problems, “said Fadila who also guaranteed.

Apart from internships, you can also vacation in the country, because there is vacation time so you don’t work continuously. Besides that, you can also explore the culinary and culture there.

For further information, you can ask questions and have further discussions on Instagram and LINE AIESEC UGM.

Instagram: @aiesecugm

LINE: @aiesecugm (with @)


Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.