For Whom Is the Responsibility of Public Broadcasting Institutions Given?

Indonesian Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) Institutions (LPP) such as RRI, TVRI, and Local LPP public broadcasting institutions should provide quality broadcasts. It is not only entertaining but also has to be informative and educational.

He conveyed this at the Capacity Building Training for Local Public Broadcasting Institutions (LPPL) in Indonesia, 13-15 June 2022, in Solo. Masduki, one of the RPLPP Founders and an UII Communications Lecturer, was also present. Masduki was emphasizing that in today’s digital era, Local PSB must begin to realize that Local PBS is responsible to the public as taxpayers whose funds make PSB viable. “Because of taxes from the public, on the other hand, PSB must provide quality content in return,” said Masduki

Masduki, UII Communications Lecturer, said that in a study last year, in November 2021, Jacobs Media conducted research on the main reasons why the public still listens to public radio. The five things that stand out the most, to be more reliable and objective, “to be informed about the news,” he said. Then the second is learning new things, in-depth perspectives on reporting, and finally, feeling more appreciative of the listener’s intelligence.

Bambang Muryanto, Chairman of the PSB Clearing House (RPLPP), appealed to all Local PSB broadcasters to adhere to the verification principle when producing journalistic works. Especially, when implementing the concept of conflict-sensitive journalism. Apart from conflict-sensitive journalism, this capacity building also contains investigative journalism material. Shinta Maharani, Chairperson of the Yogyakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) and an RPLPP activist, also delivered the investigative material. In addition, another material is reflection and broadcast program production with Darmanto.

Pambudi, RPLPP activist and UII Communication Staff, researcher, and the mentor of this training, presented three Local PSB problems from all the training participants who attended. 53 people from 29 local PBS representatives participated in this survey. The survey found that Human resources, finance, and infrastructure problems were three issues that were considered by the participants as the main problems in their PSB. These Local PSB participants throughout Indonesia are Local PSB, who are members of Persada Indonesia (Regional Public Radio and TV Association). The participants are committed to interestingly presenting content based on the training materials presented in these three days.