Experiencing Various Academic Traveling Through a Book

Every doctoral program graduate (S3) has a memorable moment from experience. The doctoral journey can be a super moment for some people. However, academics like lecturers or researchers can benefit from their expertise in doctoral studies. There are many challenging circumstances, but the feeling of independence from the school administration and student teaching obligation shines out. This experience is recorded in the book Going to Return: Reflections on the Doctoral Journey of FPSB Lecturers (Experience of Doctoral Lectures at FPSB UII).

This June, the book entitled ‘Pergi Untuk Kembali: Refleksi Perjalanan Studi Doktoral Dosen FPSB’ (Going To Come Back: Reflections on the Doctoral Study of FPSB Lecturers) was launched and published online on Saturday, June 4, 2022. Moderated by Herman Felani, this book review also invited I Made Andi Arsana, an academician doctorate at UGM, who is also a writer.

The book, which was written in less than five months, is a story of the journey, struggles, and reflections of 15 writers who are lecturers of FPSB UII who, at that time, were pursuing doctoral studies at various campuses. Both at home and abroad. This collection of writings was edited by four editors: Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, Hasbi Aswar, Nita Trimulyaningsih, and Puji Rahayu.

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, one of UII’s lecturers in the Communication Department, who is also a writer and editor of the book, tells the story behind the writing and publishing of this book. “I chatted and talked with the dean about how we went through our doctoral studies. Other colleagues who have other interesting stories. Bookable and definitely interesting. Not many have written these experiences.”

At the opening of this event, Iwan, the designer of this book’s cover, also shared some interesting facts about the book. Some of them are that the book has a thickness of 365 pages and records 15 writings from 26 doctors at FPSB UII. “Blue, the color of the cover of this book is the color of the faculty. And the title of this book is choosen only a few days before this book is published. Very tight,” said Iwan.

“There are so many doctors out there. But not all write stories while undergoing doctoral studies. We feel that not everyone has the opportunity to study doctoral degrees. This experience is a privilege, especially by being free from campus administrative matters, not teaching,” joked Iwan.