Best Practices and Model at three State Universities in Indonesia (2)

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Meanwhile, UIN Suka’s experience is different. Prof. Iswandi said that the Communication major of UIN Yogya is the most popular major in PTAI in Indonesia. “Hundreds of applicants can register, but we can only receive 150,” said Iswandi.

Iswandi answered questions from Holy Rafika, UII’s Communication Lecturer, Geographical Communication specialization, about how to differentiate the communication major at UIN in the faculty of social and da’wah faculty.

“At UIN Suka, there is a difference between communication as a science in the Communication major and communication as a technique in the faculty of da’wah and communication,” said Iswandi. According to him, another difference is that in Fishum scientific communication follows the guidelines from the Ministry of Education, while Islamic Broadcasting Communication in the Da’wah Faculty follows the guidelines from the Ministry of Religion.

The difference is again when told by the UGM experience. Since the beginning, UGM has laid the foundation for its Communication major since its name was the Publication Department in 1949. This is the first generation of communication majors in Indonesia. Only then did IISIP and followed by the University of Indonesia. It was only in 1960 Unpad Communications established a similar department.

If the Communication major of Unpad is under Fikom, UIN Communication is under Fishum (Faculty o social and humanitarian), then UGM Communication Major is under FISIPOL (Faculty of Political and Social).

UGM Communication has long changed its name to the UGM Communication Department. Now the development of knowledge in UGM Communication is very much determined by staff who are able to compete for research grants both internally and externally. “Scientific development is more determined by the ability and interest of lecturers in determining the research agenda. This focus on specialization makes UGM’s communication branding even stronger,” said Ngurah. This becomes even stronger especially when it is related to the relationship between the lecturers who continue their studies abroad. Networking is what will determine the direction and improvement of the quality of the study program.