
Examine the Phenomenon of Communication with the Philosophical Perspective

If you are an UII Communication student in the early period, or at least students of Communicaton Department in the past two or three years, then you will meet the ‘Professional Communication Ethics’ course. Since the Ministry of Higher Education implemented a KKNI standard, the course was merged into ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’. This new standard of basic competence must be achieved by all undergraduate students which is referred to as the KKNI (Indonesian National Competency Curriculum) and all the universities in Indonesia inevitably have to follow it. Likewise with Communication Department of UII.


The bad news, it is difficult to find a variety of books or references about Communication Philosophy, especially now linked and related to Ethics. If previously, the professional ethics of communication explained more praxis ethics in carrying out professional work related to the world of communication, then now Philosophy and Ethics of Communication is more concerned with the questions of studies and philosophical foundations in looking at various communication phenomena.


Maybe the fate of previous course (Profesional Ethics) is not as bad as ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’. You might find some references more easily if you search about the Communication Ethics Professional. A series of ethics codes of various professions such as the journalist profession, advertising companies, to ethics and code of conduct in the conduct of broadcasting codified in the Broadcasting and Broadcast Program Standards (P3SPS) Guidelines are easily traced in the internet. In contrast, the condition of ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’ does not seem to be as luck as it is, said Puji Rianto, MA., who teaches the course subject of Philosophy and Ethics of Communication.


Hence, Puji Rianto, a lecturer who has long been involved in the world of regulatory studies, ethics, and communication philosophy, has compiled since 2018 and finally in 2019 completed the writing of textbooks for the ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’ course. The project of writing this book also answers the lack of references to ethical studies, and especially the philosophy of communication. From now on, communication students will be able to taste easily the reference to the ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’ course. This book is easy to read, even though it talks about philosophy, it is not only meet the lecture standards, but also can be the most basic reading to read the symptoms and the phenomena of communication with a philosophical perspective.