Enthusiasm and New Names in the Election of the Head of the UII Communication

Department of Communications was founded in 2004 by several founders, such as Masduki, Amir Effendi Siregar, and Anang Hermawan. For about 18 years, leadership has alternated for the continuity of this Department. Likewise, in 2022, the leadership of the Head of the Communication Department, carried out by Puji Hariyanti will be replaced by the leadership of the elected Head of Departments, namely Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf.

Leadership succession begins with the election of the Head of the Department and the Secretary of the Department according to the election mechanism stipulated in the Election Regulations at the Faculty level. Starting from the election of the Head of the psychology department, then followed by the election of the Head and Secretaries of The Department in each Department in the faculty. In the Communication Department, the event started at 9.30 a.m. on November 8 2022. Lecturers of the Department of Communications attended the election for the succession of the Head of the Department of Communications. The selection of the head of the department was led directly by the previous head of the Department, Puji Hariyanti. It was read out by the Secretary of the Department, Narayana Mahendra Prastya.

At the event, Narayana Mahendra, one of the UII Communications Lecturers, read the regulations for organising elections and the requirements to become Head of Department and Secretary of Department. One of the requirements to become a Head of Department is that he/she has been a permanent lecturer at UII for at least eight years, has not served the previous two terms, and is not currently studying further or student work. After reading all the terms and conditions, the selection is made.

The first step in selecting the Head of the Department is for each lecturer to propose several names to be chosen. After one name is agreed upon, there will be no further election or voting. If more than one name appears, it will be followed by deliberation to reach a consensus or vote. “Since it was agreed that one person was chosen, then the next head of department is Iwan Awaludin Yusuf,” said Wafa Akhyari, a representative from the Selection Team from the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences, UII.

Then, the next stage is the selection of two department secretaries. One department secretary for the communication department and another for UII’s International Program of Communication (IPC). Ratna Permatasari was chosen to be the secretary of the Communication Department, and Ida Nuraini Dewi KN occupied the position of IPC UII secretary. Other participants must also agree upon this selection, continued Wafa.

After the names of the two Department secretaries have been selected and agreed upon by other participants, the selection meeting is over. “The chairperson of the meeting and the head of the organising team, Mr Tobagus M. Nu’man from Psychology UII, who is also the representative of the Election Team, will record the names of those who will be recorded on the minutes. The minutes of the event were also signed by witnesses, namely two UII Communication Lecturers, Subhan Afifi and Anggi Arifudin Setiadi.