Empower Each Other With Tie Dye (2)

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According to Irene, members of the diffablezone community initially took part in batik activities at the Christian Foundation for Public Health (YAKKUM). One of the teachers was part of difabelzone.id. “In the beginning, they were trained to batik for 3 month, it’s finished. They have no next plan, they were confused. Then Ibu Wuri and I, and another mother, facilitated these members of difabelzone who had good skill. Initially six people.” Irene said. 

After practicing, after two years the community’s works were ready to be marketed. “And thank God, alhamdulillah, we got a free exhibition space in Jakarta and some of our works were bought by the Sri Lankan ambassador. Two months ago, their work also flew to America,” said Irene.

 “In essence, we want to help friends with disabilities to be independent. They can make money and they can help their families,” continued Irene.

How are the sales of batik products going on during the pandemic? 

“We put difabelzone before the pandemic and sold it in Mirota Malioboro, in Baim Wong Batik Store, and in several places. At the time of the corona pandemic, everything stopped. We thought that friends with disabilities had to be able to keep making money,” said Irene explained the impact of the pandemic on this community. 

Finally the sale goes from friend to friend. “So far it is still running,” added Irene.

Later, this community also won the trust of one of the big companies. Their work becomes company merchandise. Slowly it can be finally. “Thank you to UII friends for coming and sharing blessings. Blessings for those who are given and those who give. 

Vadhiya hopes that what they are doing can open the eyes of people who have always looked down upon people with disabilities. “Oh no, we have been so far have no consciousness, unwilling, and unwilling to know about them. Even though when I went there, I had to learn a lot from them. They make batik neat, if you see it is like a very good craft, impeccably” said Vadhiya, appreciating.

Ifa Zulkurnaini, the moderator for Nadim at UII, concluded that the bad stigma of diffable people around us arises because we do not want to know and do not mingle. The introductory process must be natural. “Do it. If it is done sincerely, of course the empowerment will touch our hearts more,” she said closing the discussion.