Committing Achievements During the Pandemic
UII Communication Students Win Achievements at International Conferences.
The pandemic seems to never end. One of the key strategies is handling in the line of information. If stakeholders do not have one voice in conveying information about Covid-19 and its handling, of course the public will be in doubt and doubt. So a unit of information from stakeholders is necessary.
Two UII Communication students, Ajeng Putri Andani, together with Roiyan Nangim, successfully completed their research on this issue. Unmitigated, they, guided by Sumekar Tanjung, UII Communication supervisor, presented their research findings at an international conference. This conference was held on December 4, 2020 with Thailand as the host. The conference, called the 8th Asian Academic Society International Conference, was entitled “ASIA Sustainable Innovation: Global Health Diplomacy, Technology and SDGs Accordance.”
“The DIY regional government uses new media as a strategy to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic by means of a single narrative,” said Ajeng. The results of his research entitled Mitigation Analysis of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.
What does a single narrative mean? “Single narrative is a unit of information that has been coordinated on obtaining information from various sources from the Task Force Team,” he said. it becomes the same information to be published through social media, especially the Instagram platform and the website, “she explained.
Ajeng and Roiyan, assisted by another team member from the UII FH Masters, Bayu Mogana Putra, entered the presentation room in the Sub-theme of Disaster Mitigation and Political Science. Both of them were also awarded as best presenters (best oral presenter) in a conference with 25 teams and 23 campuses from 3 countries. Starting from Thailand, Indonesia, to Libya. They raised a paper entitled Analysis of the Mitigation of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.
The participating campuses, if you want to be called, come from various universities. In total more than 20 universities. For example, call it from the University of Indonesia, Indonesian Islamic University, ITB, Unair, Univ Teuku Umar, Raja Ali Hajj Tanjung Pinang Maritime University, STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman, Mahidol University, Brawijaya University, Ramathibodi Hospital, UGM, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Thailand, Univ. Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Kasetsart University Thailand, Mae Fah Luang University Thailand, BE Logist Research center, Bani Walid University Libya, Tripoli University Libya, Gunadarma University – Jakarta, Yogyakarta state university, UPN Veteran, Chulalongkorn university.
How to Research and Speak at International Conference
How can you face the world of international academy? According to Ajeng, the most important thing is that we are able to convey the message that we want to convey to the judges. If we feel comfortable conveying it, the jury will more easily grasp what we have to say.
Regular exercise is also quite helpful. “More exercise will not make us nervous, but with that we will be more prepared and more confident,” said Ajeng.
In addition, the support and trust of those closest to you is also the key to success. Ajeng thanks the people who have supported him. For example, parents, teammates, as well as supervisors. He thanked his group team for being willing to support the ups and downs of making paper, “and always strengthen one another,” she said.
Her close friends also have an important role to play, she said. “I often ask them for help. Both for abstract correction and training me presentations.”