Commitment of All UII’s Journal Manager: DOAJ and Copernicus Index Immediately

Foreign writers consider many journals that have been indexed by DOAJ and Copernicus. Both are considered intermediate indexes at the international level.

That was the experience of the Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (JEKI) from FBE UII when sharing in the FGD of UII Journal Managers on January 12, 2021 via Zoom Meeting. The Manager of Jurnal Komunikasi UII and Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC), international journal of Department of Communication Science also participate in this FGD. AJMC also have been indexed by Copernicus.

Heri Sudarsono, the manager of JEKI, even said that JEKI even gives fees to foreign writers when their journals are indexed in sinta 3. There are also criteria that writers do not have to pay to send a manuscript if they are foreign writers or collaborate with foreign writers. He executed the trick in order to spur an increase in the number of foreign writers in his journal.

There are many tricks and tips that can be imitated and applied to attract international writers to the journal. Apart from consistency in style and quality of writing both technically and in substance, journal indexes also need to be considered, as stated at the beginning of this writing.

According to Heri, the mapping of the typology of journals at UII is still only a few indexed by DOAJ and copernicus. “So this is why, in this FGD, it is important that we make this FGD to determine a forum to formulate a measurable and comprehensive strategy for the development of journals at UII,” said Heri, who also agreed by Eko Siswoyo, manager of the Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (JSTL), who is also a moderator of this FGD.

According to Eko, there are two types of DOAJ indexes. “Reportedly, foreign writers pay more attention to the DOAJ index with the green tick,” he said. According to Eko’s monitoring, only 6 journals in UII that have been indexed by DOAJ. We have to level it up all our journal to be indexed by two of them.

Imam Djati Widodo, Vice Rector 2 of UII, said that he will continue to support the development of journals at UII, “For example, there was a proposal for OJS training, then yesterday we also supported and gives incentives at the end of each year for journals with good progress.” Some time ago, said Imam, at the end of 2020, the UII Rectorate gave grants selectively for the development of journals at UII, which amounted to around 20 to 50 million rupiah per journal.

At the end of the FGD, the journal managers from all over the UII finally agreed to encourage and commit themselves so that their journals could be indexed by DOAJ and copernicus. The hope is that if these two intermediate indexes have been achieved, writers at the international level will be more interested. The hope is that the university will facilitate, for example, with training and various supports as stated at the beginning.