Ruang Berita Ilkom

Ikuti informasi terkini tentang berbagai aktivitas di Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Berita Pilihan

Webinar Series NADIM: Middle Class Construction in Rolling Stone Indonesia Magazine

Webinar Series NADIM: Middle Class Construction in Rolling Stone Indonesia Magazine

Who determines which social class we belong to in society? The answers could vary. One of those who determine our...
Webinar Series NADIM: Konstruksi Kelas Menengah di Majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia

Webinar Series NADIM: Konstruksi Kelas Menengah di Majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia

Siapa yang menentukan berada di kelas sosial apa kita di masyarakat? Jawabannya bisa bermacam-macam. Salah satunya yang menentukan adalah majalah...
Do We Still Need PSB Supervisory Board?

Do We Still Need PSB Supervisory Board?

The Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Public Service Broadcasting/PSB is commonly understood as the highest entity in the governance of...
Creative and Productive with Achievements at the FPSB UII

Creative and Productive with Achievements at the FPSB UII

Anniversary. Anniversary is always a momentum for reflection and projection. The same was done by the FPSB UII academicians at...
Masihkah Kita Perlu Dewan Pengawas LPP?

Masihkah Kita Perlu Dewan Pengawas LPP?

Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) Lembaga Penyiaran Publik/LPP jamak dipahami sebagai entitas tertinggi di dalam tata kelola LPP, terutama di Indonesia. Dewas...
Creative and Inspirational Work Steps to Become a Creativepreneur

Creative and Inspirational Work Steps to Become a Creativepreneur

Starting an entrepreneur should be based on research. Quality research in turn will determine the level of creativity and how...
Milad 26 FPSB UII: Lima Cara Menggali Ide Kreatif Menuju Creativepreneur

Milad 26 FPSB UII: Lima Cara Menggali Ide Kreatif Menuju Creativepreneur

Sebaiknya, tiap-tiap kita dapat memahami apa dan bagaimana perbedaan kreatif dan kontraproduktif dalam berkarya. Banyak tantangan muncul untuk menuju creativepreneur...
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Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584

Telepon: 0274-898444 ext. 3267
Surel: [email protected]


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