AWG: Creative Industry and Culture in Global Context

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Nizamuddin sahdiq: the Deputy Dean for Religious Affairs, Student Affairs and Alumni of Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Science Universitas Islam Indonesia


we can share how creative industries shape and we build. I do believe you will enrich and I bless you all find highly engaging and full of intension.


Dr. Ahmad Hisham Zainal Abidin: Dean of School of Creative Industry Management and Performing Arts, Universiti Utara Malaysia talked about Film Industry in Malaysia and Global Challenges. He said that there are many global challenges: its provide financial and non financial assistance. The conclusions, Malaysian film industry has the potential to go beyond its locality if aspects like storyline, genre niche, and budget and promotion are seriously considered. Other than the initiatives by the government, universities should also play their role to educate the film industry players.


He said there are many global challenges: In conclusion, the Malaysian film industry has the potential to go beyond the local sphere if aspects such as script, suitable genre, budget and promotion are seriously considered. In addition to government initiatives, universities must also show their role in training actors in the film industry.


Annual Workshop in Globalization, Yogyakarta, 16 November 2022

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim: Assoc. Professor of Communication & Media Studies, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Research focused in communication and media studies, dakwah,

She presented under the Theme “Creative Labour in the Screen Industries”

She tell us that its happen now a creative (in)justice. This is the lesson from the Malaysian film and television industry.

nur karilawati melakukan penelitian pada pekerja kreatif di dalam industry film dan televisi di Malaysia. Ia ingin memhami ekosistem kerja dalam industri film dan televisi. is mengatakan Sementara film dan TV menyumbang pemasukan yang signifikan pada kesejahteraan negara, sayangnya, kesejahteraan pekerja kreatif tidak sesejahtera kontribusinya pada negara.

Siapa itu pekerja kreatif? Pekerja kreatif adalah mereka yang berkontribusi pada dunia ekonomi kreatif dan a sustainable ecosystem of film and television industry.

dia mengutip Mark Banks: ada creative injustice: universal benefits of the creative economy are proving illusive for the majority and tending mainly accrue to the privileged few. Pekerja kreatif mendapatkan income yang sangat rendah.

Solusi yang disarankan: Reduce injustice, improve the wellbeing, of creative and labour, improve the ecosystem of the creative industries. Seeing in the injustice in the creative industries is happen in the screen and also behind the screen.

injustice from the wages, gender, Muslim representatives.

Dr. Zaki Habibi: Researcher in Media Studies and Visual Culture, Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

under the theme: “The Cosmopolitan Festivities in the Vibrant Cities – Why Film Festival Matters to the City?”


zaki mengundang para peserta untuk menulis 3 judul film yang mereka ingat, tapi bukan dari TV, bioskop, ataupun streaming, bukan film seri. refleksikan dan apa yang selama ini mereka tonton ternyata dari industri. film festival selalu memeiliki dampak yang signifikan. Di jeunju ada film festival independent yang pasti nggak mainstream, tapi diselenggarakan oleh kalian, mahasiswa juga, yang bikin film, festival dengan serious. selebrasi untuk banyak orang dan entitas beyond the film industries, potentially mengubah agensi (kemampuan utnuk memngubah) teknologi, kemampuan diri filmmaker, film agency. film festival is also film agency to transform the society, what makes film festival important for the city?


cerita soal FFD awalnya membuat festival yang dibuat untuk mereka yang suka menonton, suka meononton yang ga pernah ditonton orang, especially film dokumenter, samapi akhirnya pada 2014an mereka didanai Danais. mereka bertransformasi, berjejaring, dan mengembangkan agensinya atas film dan menjadikannya lebih maju ketimbang sebelumnya.

film festival place the branding of the city. film festival FROM PLACE BRANDING TO CITY IDENTITY. economic benefit or financial benfit to the city to city identity from cultural process in the film festival. film festival tidak seperti produk franchise yang serupa, namun ia memiliki karakternya sendiri, dan bayangkan jejaring film network ini bisa tercipta misalnya jejaring antara dubaii, busan, jakarta, jogja, penang, dll. Film festival menciptakan imajinasi atas kota.

kita tidak bisa mungkin seperti busan film festival, atau cannes film festival, yang gayanya sangat mainstream dan indsustri, sebaliknya kita menjadikan film festival dengan gaya komunitas, kolektifitas, seperti FFD, Netpac asian film festival, or jeunjeu film festival. Misalnya juga FFD mengundang beberapa programmer festival, film festival akan meluaskan horisonmu dan pengalamanmu.