ACSS 2024: Welcome New Members of IPC!

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Academic Skills Study (ACSS) 2024 is a welcome programme specially prepared for new International Program Communications students (IPC) students. Taking the theme Adapting & Thriving: Youth, Lead, Learn, and Grow this activity took place on 11 October and 13 October 2024 around the FPSB Building at UII.

Not only discussing the academic world that will be lived in approximately the next 4 years, new IPC students also get briefings related to how to adapt to a new social environment, to face challenges and opportunities.

Chairperson of the ACSS 2024 programme, Fatma Nuraini Zahra, S.Sos., MA revealed that the series of agendas that had been prepared were tailored to the needs of students. Professionals from Communication and Psychology experts were brought in to facilitate the new IPC 2024 students, all of whom are Gen Z.

“An essential programme to foster learning motivation and provide an overview of IPC programmes. This activity also increases students‘ ability to build resilience to help them adapt to learning activities in college that are different from high school,” She explained.

“In addition, this activity is also a space to create a familiar and harmonious atmosphere and hone the ability to collaborate between IPC students, especially new students and with the seniors because this event also actively involves IPC 2023 students as a part of the implementation team.” She added.

The first day of ACSS 2024, was filled with indoor materials starting from ‘Public Speaking and Presenting Using AI by Dr. Herman Felani, followed by Introduction to IPC by the IPC Programme Secretary, Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, S.I.Kom., M.A. The third material was by Wanadya Ayu Krishna Dewi, S.Psi., M.A. (FPSB Psychology Lecturer) who discussed “Adapting from Highschool to Higher Education and Preparing to the Global Citizenship”. Last but not least, a sharing session by Fiellah Muttaqiyah, IPC 2021 student.

The second day of the activity was carried out outdoors by exploring the environment around the campus.  Walid Jumlad, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist was a facilitator in the Bonding, Outbound, and Character Building programme.

“All games have meaning, we can learn from the existing process starting from strengthening the relationship, forming groups and working together, as well as the process in games thathave organised and neat stages similar to the lecture process,” he concluded.