Academic and Study Skill for IP Student 2020

In order to welcome all of you as the new IPC family, We present an event entitled Academic & Study Skill. This event is still included in the series of welcoming to the all of 2020 IPC students.

This Academic & Study Skill event is held to help IPC new students as a provision of how to adapt to the college life and as a preparation for you to become a global future leader.  This series of Academic & Study Skill events will be filled by @hermanfelanitandjung . The program will be divided into two days which start from 3 – 4 October 2020. Per each day we will be having different topics and these are the topics that will be carried out at this year’s Academic & Study Skills:

1. How to be Global Student in the time of Pandemics
2. Global Experience And Global Skills As Future Global Leaders

In addition, there will be briefings from the UII Learning Center.  This series of events is mandatory for new IPC students in 2020 and is open to IPC students of 2018 & 2019 class.

So prepare yourself, don’t miss this event because we’ll be having a good time and getting a lot of insightful information.

See you IPC Friends!