“Empowering for international involvement in the dynamic challenges
of rapid globalization.” 

International Program of

International Program of Communications (IPC) UII is an international class of the Department of Communications. Since our first development in 2018, our goal is bringing students the opportunities for global involvement through international activities with our partner universities abroad such as student exchanges, global experience, and more. 

Prospective Journalists, Public Relations Practitioners, Researchers, Activists, Content Creators and Creative Media Industry Leaders


International Program Communication UII has four specific areas of interest, namely public relations, journalism, media studies, and creative media.


International Program (IP) is an international class which uses a foreign language (English) as the language of instruction.


Annual Workshop in Globalization, Teatime: An Afternoon Sharing with IPC UII, English Skill Development Program, Academic Program, etc.

Prof Kristian Bankov

IPC uses English as the primary language in our academical sphere, giving diverse experience with friendly and supportive environment, including foreign students. Our activities designed to help students to adapt with their learning environments in university and improve academic skills through matriculation program (Bridging Program) and series of Character Building Programs that aim to strengthen the student’s skills to compete in a global world.

International Program of Communications (IPC) UII is an international class of the Department of Communications. Since our first development in 2018, our goal is bringing students the opportunities for global involvement through international activities. Our activities designed to help students to adapt with their learning environments in university, improving academic skills through matriculation program (Bridging Program) and series of Character Building Programs that aim to strengthen the student’s knowledge and skills to compete in a global world.

Let’s Join UII

#ItsYourTime Register yourself now to join UII. A career in Communication Studies is an exciting and dynamic field that focuses on studying how information is created, transmitted, received, and understood in various contexts. Graduates of the Communication Science study program can have careers as professionals in the field of communication according to their areas of interest such as reporters, editors, photographers, cameramen, video journalists, public relations practitioners, and various other professions.

News & Opinion

Stay connected with the latest news and information about various activities in IP Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia

Alumni Testimonial

“My time at International Program of Communication marked the beginning of my global education journey. The comprehensive curriculum, coupled with the opportunity to participate in interships for practical experiences and facilitate a worldwide study journey, ensured a well-rounded education. Also, the challenging coursework, engaging learning environment and supportive faculty not only equipped me with essential skills for various career paths in communication but also crafted unforgettable education experiences”

Kuliah di Ilmu Komunikasi UII memberikan banyak pengalaman berharga. Saya bejalar film pertama kali di Jogja saat kuliah di komunitas internal (Kompor.kom), di kelas juga banyak kajian atau mata kuliah tentang film seperti sinematografi dan kajian media sebenarnya sangat penting terutama mengkaji film karena hampir mancakup semua kajian media dari proses penulisan, fotografi, videografi, editing, proses bercerita, dan proses audio. Selain itu lingkungan belajar di Ilkom UII sangat menyenangkan dan solid untuk berkarya bersama dan saling support. Dan adanya IPC di Ilmu Komunikasi sangat bagus sekali karana untuk menuju dunia internasional khususnya film dan fotografi pentingnya memahami bahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan sangat tinggi

Kuliah di komunikasi UII tidak hanya mengajarkan secara akademis yang mumpuni, tapi juga praktik dengan berbagai aktivitas yang ada di dalamnya. Prodi pun sangat mendorong mahasiswa untuk berkembang tidak hanya di jalur akademik, tapi juga di luar, seperti mendukung saya di berbagai kegiatan konferensi internasional dan perlombaan tingkat nasional. Ini menjadikan pengalaman yang lengkap dalam menempuh studi sehingga lebih siap menghadapi dunia kerja.

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