
Kabar dari Mitra (AJI Indonesia): Gratis Buku Reportase dari Tanah Papua

Khazanah jurnalistik sivitas akademika Komunikasi UII kini bertambah. Kabar ini datang dari Mitra Komunikasi UII, yaitu Aliansi Jurnalis Independen Indonesia. AJI merilis buku kumpulan reportase beberapa jurnalis 15 penerima beasiswa peliputan isu keamanan dan HAM di Papua. Bukunya diberi tajuk Reportage from The Land of Papua: Conflict, Inequality, and Hope. Isinya beragam liputan merentang dari konflik bersenjata, upaya menyuarakan korban dari konflik yang menderu di Papua, hingga konlik sumber daya alam. Bagi Anda mahasiswa konsentrasi Jurnalistik dan Penyiaran di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, silakan mengunduh buku yang disediakan gratis ini. Penting untuk menambah wawasan dan cakrawala pengetahuan jurnalisme Anda.


Reportage from The Land of Papua: Conflict, Inequality and Hope

This Book Is a Compilation of Journalistic Works from 15 Participants of Fellowship on The Coverage Of Security And Human Rights Issues In Papua. Title: Reportage from The Land of Papua: Conflict, Inequality and Hope

Download: bit.ly/ReportagePapua

some of these reports about the impact of armed conflict, but jounalist try to complete it with the root of problem and try to voice the fate of the victims, especially women and children. Others tell about conflicts over natural resources, as well as “development” mistakes that have led to widening inequality. At the end, journalist also practice solutive journalism, with writing that try to find the best solution for Papua.