Entries by admin

Creative and Productive with Achievements at the FPSB UII

Reading Time: 2 minutes Anniversary. Anniversary is always a momentum for reflection and projection. The same was done by the FPSB UII academicians at the peak of their 26th anniversary. Various achievements, appreciations, achievements, and lessons learned in the 26th FPSB Anniversary on Thursday (15/4/2021). The 26th anniversary of the FPSB raised the theme “Being Creative and […]

Creative and Inspirational Work Steps to Become a Creativepreneur

Reading Time: 2 minutes Starting an entrepreneur should be based on research. Quality research in turn will determine the level of creativity and how inspiring the efforts we are engaged in. But that’s not enough. Entrepreneurs must know these four steps in order to become creative and inspiring entrepreneurs. Be a creativepreneur! “There is still a big […]

Five Ways to Explore Creative Ideas Towards Creativepreneur

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is best if each of us can understand what and how the difference between creative and counterproductive in making works. Many challenges arise to get to creativepreneur in today’s digital era. From a matter of ideas, capital, networks, to market segments. However, if you have understood how, it is not too much […]

The Unlimited Creativity

Reading Time: 2 minutes Conditions with disabilities are still often seen as an obstacle to work. In fact, people with disabilities (diffable) is actually same as most people, have different abilities. They are not dis-able. Each person’s ability can be honed with an accommodating program according to their needs and potention. Including the social empowerment program that […]