The Universitas Islam Indonesia/ UII has six scholarship programs to assist students in financing their studies. The completeness of the files and the personal qualities that are well described in the motivation letter is the keys.

Besides helping to reduce tuition fees, getting a full scholarship is a matter of pride. This Teatime Talk show, February 25, 2022, presents Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, an International Program student at the Department of Communications at the UII. Today’s talk show is to discuss tips and tricks to get a full scholarship at UII. Haikal is one of the recipients of the Excellent Santri scholarship. The event entitled ‘Tips and Trick to be the Awardee of UII Outstanding Santri scholarship‘ was hosted by Arsila as the host.  

This scholarship is one type of scholarship that provides full support. This scholarship funds tuition and living expenses, as well as housing. The Excellent Santri Scholarship aims to provide provisions for future cadres of community leaders. This scholarship also seeks to prepare students who are ready for the concept and ready for practice. PP UII students (Pondok Pesantren/ Islamic Boarding School of UII) are expected to be able to strengthen and integrate religion, science, and technology.

Haikal advised being careful in preparing the files to apply for this scholarship. Make sure none of the files are missing. In addition, writing essays in motivation letters. Haikal suggested that writing self-motivation as much as possible shows a strong character for self-improvement. “Intention is a must. Not just want to have a free college or try it out. But we really need it and we are improving,” said Haikal.

In building a self-image in a motivation letter, we should show ourselves some of the things we have achieved as evidence of self-quality. What is the dream to be achieved and how the dream will be achieved. This can be related to the purpose of this scholarship program which will help participants achieve their dreams. “It’s not just fulfilling our obligations to study because we have received a scholarship, but how can we grow and improve ourselves while living it,” he added.

In addition to the Excellent Santri scholarship, UII also has several scholarship schemes that can be chosen according to the conditions, talents, and achievements of students. The scholarships are Athletes and Art Champion, Dhuafa Scholarships, Tahfidz Al Qur’an, Excellence Scholarships, and Scholarships for Foreign Students.  

This is The journey of a student with a broken home to get the Excellence scholarship at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). His name is Arul Sulaiman. Believe it or not, he said, the power of a verse from the Koran allowed him to lead a completely different life.

In the Teatime, an afternoon casual chat program held regularly by the UII International Communication Department, presents Arul Sulaiman. The Teatime, on Friday, 18 February, 2022, is entitled The Importance of the Personal Branding and Scholarship for Higher Education Students. Arul tells his life story and how he went through his studies with the UII Excellence Scholarship.

Arul grew up in a family that lacked harmony. His parents separated when he was in grade 1 of elementary school. It made him live with a messy psychological condition. “I didn’t pass the class twice. At that time, I was like not taken care of. Never studied, often skipped school,” said Arul telling his story.

At the age of about ten years, God showed a miracle. Arul really believes in a verse in Al Baqarah 143 about patience and prayer as a helper: O you who believe, make prayer and patience your helper. Verily, Allah is with those who pray and are patient. “I believe it. At that time, I applied for all of it. In Al Baqarah verse 143, I really remember it,” recalls Arul of his dark days.

“I will apply for it. I am patient and pray. And so I can think about what I should do, “said Arul. Students who have decided to live alone since junior high school continue to keep themselves busy with various activities to achieve excellence. “I have to survive. I take part in activities that can hone skills, take part in various competitions at the district, national and even international levels.”

“Until finally I got this superior scholarship. I have to get better every day,” this last phrase seemed to have been his way of life for a long time.

College Life as a Student 

Getting this scholarship is a matter of pride because the awardee has to go through a fairly rigorous selection process by only selecting 20 people from thousands of applicants. “This scholarship is one of the things that makes me, with the background of my life not being promoted twice, I am increasingly challenged to improve myself, to be better in the future.”

Moreover, by getting this superior scholarship students are properly prepared to become outstanding and active students. “We also have a special preparation class. Apart from that, to be able to maintain the scholarship, the GPA must not be less than 3.7, and you must also actively participate in PKM,” continued Arul. PKM is a Student Creativity Program held by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.