Teatime: Getting to Know the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) 

Teatime: Getting to know the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) 

The Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) is very popular with students. Universities studies, in one period, can send 24 students to join this program. These scholarships are very competitive competition, what exactly and how do you get IISMA?

In this Talk Show, casual chats are regularly held by the International Program of Communication (IPC) of the Department of Communication, the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), named Teatime, discussing issues about IISMA. IPC Invite Dr. Rer. Nat. Dian Sari Utami, Director of Partnership of International Affairs UII. He thoroughly explores IISMA. The event, held on March 5, 2022, was titled “Let’s Find out IISMA” and was hosted by Arsila Khairunnisa, an international student of the communication department (International Program).

Getting to Know Perspectives, Culture, and Global Academic Climate

The purpose of initiating the IISMA program is to send Indonesian students to study abroad to open up global perspectives and know the academic situation of Indonesian students. “Let the students have a global perspective, global culture, and global academic culture. They can apply what they learned abroad to develop Indonesia if they come back,” explained Dian.

Dian emphasized that this program is student mobility, not transfer credit. The point is that these courses with a certain number of credits are not to be converted into practice at the original campus. And Students will write the courses taken in the IISMA program as they are on the grade transcript. “This has the consequence that students will lose one semester at their home campus. And still, have to take all the required courses,” said Dian.

“Unless you take courses related to compulsory subjects that you must take at your home campus. The value of courses at the destination campus can be transferred,” She added.

However, the program recommends that students take courses completely different from the majors taken at their home universities. “We at IISMA highly recommend taking on a completely different subject. Why? Because we want you to enrich perspectives from different disciplines. You will also have many competencies that you can develop,” said Dian, finally explaining the goals and expectations of the IISMA program.

As previously reported, one UII Communications student in the International Program (IP) class passed the IISMA program. Nadira Muthia Supadi, Student Batch 2018, joined the IISMA program and studied at the University of Leeds, England, in 2021.