Ruang Berita Ilkom

Ikuti informasi terkini tentang berbagai aktivitas di Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Berita Pilihan

Tracing the History of Public Relations in Indonesia with AES Forum

Tracing the History of Public Relations in Indonesia with AES Forum

Why is tracking the history of public relations important? In other countries, the history of public relations only has the...
Melacak Sejarah Public Relations di Indonesia di Forum AES

Melacak Sejarah Public Relations di Indonesia di Forum AES

Mengapa melacak sejarah humas itu penting? Di negara lain, sejarah humas hanya berkonteks negara masing-masing. Studi ini peminatnya banyak, buku...
Teatime #7: Semangat Menjadi Mahasiswa IPC UII

Teatime #7: Semangat Menjadi Mahasiswa IPC UII

Teatime episode ke 7 pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2020 yang mengangkat tema "Obrolan Menjadi Mahasiswa IPC" menghadirkan M. Aditya Arvian...
Teatime 8th Edition With Suwaibah The International Student of Communication UII

Teatime 8th Edition With Suwaibah The International Student of Communication UII

Teatime 8th edition will invite: Suwaibah Mataeha (student of International communication Science Department, batch 2019). The next International Program of...
Teatime #7: The Excitement of Being an IPC UII Student

Teatime #7: The Excitement of Being an IPC UII Student

The 7th episode of Teatime on August 14, 2020, with the theme "Chit Chat About Being IPC Students" presented M....
Forum AES #7: Melacak Sejarah Humas/PR di Indonesia

Forum AES #7: Melacak Sejarah Humas/PR di Indonesia

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia dalam rangkaian Forum #AES menggelar Forum AES #7: Melacak Sejarah Humas/PR di Indonesia...
AES Forum 6: Tracing History of the Polite Watchdog with Wijayanto

AES Forum 6: Tracing History of the Polite Watchdog with Wijayanto

Kompas pattern has always been, every time there is a regime change, it supports the ruler. Kompas stated in a...

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Bagi rekan jurnalis media yang ingin mencari informasi tentang Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII silakan menghubungi alamat sebagai berikut:

Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584

Telepon: 0274-898444 ext. 3267
Surel: [email protected]


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